Monday, March 5, 2007

Monday, Monday

Well we had a pretty good weekend. Saturday Noah had a basketball game and then we took him to a player evaluation session for baseball. I guess they make sure they equally divide the truly talented kids on the teams, so one team isn't incredibly superior or something like that!! I tell yeah, as soon as one sports about to end, the next is gearing up!! We also got an email from Noah's football coach (it's the same as last year) and he's wanting to have a kick off party for the team IN MARCH!! Hello, football camp isn't even until July, so why do we need a party now??? He really needs to get a life!! Well Abby is also trying t-ball this year. She'll be playing at our local Y. I love that league for beginners, because it's just about learning the basics and having fun. Noah did that his first year as well. I think she'll like it. I just hope we don't have games at the same time, I do not want to miss any of their games!! Well after the evaluation thingy, we came home and just stayed here the rest of the day. It felt really good to not have to be anywhere for a change. I decided to clean out the van which was VERY much needed. Steve had commented the other day that the trash and stuff in the van was starting to get deeper and I knew it was probably time to clean it out!! So I emptied all the trash, toys, clothes, papers, and dishes out and then vacuumed the carpet, washed the floormats, washed the windows and cleaned the doors and dashboard. It really is a nice van and when it's clean I just love being in it. Now if we could just get our DVD player fixed in it!! After the big cleaning session, I made dinner, a yummy spaghetti parmesean with parmesean crusted chicken tenders. It was so good!! I love pasta, thank you Italy!!! That was pretty much our Saturday other than the usual t.v. watching and we also played some games with the kiddies. Sunday we woke up and I was so excited to drive the new and improved van, but it wouldn't start!! It seems the battery was dead. Luckily we still had Steve's mom's car here and we took that to church and then Steve and Noah changed the battery (Noah got the tools for him and turned the key when it was time!!) and now the car runs better than ever!! I took a nap and then made dinner and ironed Steve a shirt for today and that was pretty much it. Oh we watched Amazing Race (Go Rob and Amber!!). That was for Sonya!! Steve had to drive up the northern Ohio today for work, but he'll be home in the evening. We don't have anything planned for the rest of the day. Abby and I did a little shopping this morning, it's our favorite pasttime!! I think when we pick up Noah we'll stop at Wendy's for Frosty's that sounds good to me!! Well Absolutely Happy Birthday Sonya, I'm so glad you got the good deal on the scrapbooking stuff!! I think this evening or maybe tomorrow, I'll be putting together all my pictures and then getting ideas for the pages!! I can't wait to scrap on Saturday!! Well have a good day!!


Char said...

Sounds like a great weekend! Glad you got a "new" van. hehe

SamandSawyersMom said...

Thanks for the birthday wishes. I have had a great day reading all of them.

I love when my van is clean too but we both know that rarely happens. It does feel better to drive.

I feel bad for you that when you die and go to heaven that you won't see your friends Rob and Amber there. i bet you will really miss them. If Sundays are not enough R-N-B time for ya...they have like 10 reality shows about them. Rob and Amber hit Vegas and Rob and Amber take a dump are 2 of my favorites. Check em'd like em.

My scrap stuff will be up on my blog in a few minutes.

I hate to miss a game of Sammy's either. I had to miss a soccer game once so I could set up for cathy's party and he got hurt and cried and I missed it. Oh I felt bad.

Jamie said...

OH, I only enjoy them on shows I already watch!!! They make the show much more interesting. I can't wait to see your stuff, I"m waiting anxiously!!

Crystal said...

Sorry to impose, but I have to interject here, I love Rob and Amber too! I just love how smart they are and how well they work together!!! They rock! People go on and on about how they are reality junkies and thats all they do for money but I have to ask, who wouldn't do all the reality shows if it was paying them well!! I know I would jump on it if I was them......they have no kids so what the heck!

Lura said...

Ok, I guess I'm the only lose who doesn't know who Rob and Amber are!

Char said...

I don't know who they are either!!!??