Friday, March 30, 2007

Glasses for us

Noah is now (well sometime next week when they come in) a glasses wearer. He ended up needing to get them for nearsightedness in both eyes. We picked out a really cute pair for everyday use and we went ahead and got him so cool sports ones for when he plays baseball or basketball. Those are really cool looking. They resemble Oakley sports sunglasses and we went ahead and got the kind of lenses on them that get dark in the sun. He's always been very sensitive about the sun when he's out plsying sports so we got that taken care of too. I think he's actually excited about wearing them. When we left last night, he wanted to wear them then and we had to explain to him that they have to make him his own special pair. As soon as we get them, I'll post pictures of how handsome he looks!!! He raelly does look very, very cute in them, if I do say so myself!!!


Crystal said...

Ahh, I'm sure he will look very cute! So, I convinced you to get glasses with my horrifying comment about the contact lenses, huh?? ha ha

Jamie said...

Well, it did help further my arguement because I ws the one who wanted to get glasses from the beginning!!!

SamandSawyersMom said...

yeah whatever crys makes that crap up!!!

i know he will be just as cute

Crystal said...

Nu huh!

Amanda said...

Caitlin loved getting glasses. The others were actually jealous of her! Can't wait to see the pictures!

Char said...

Ahhh! I can't wait to see the pictures of him in his glasses! Take a picture with both pairs so we can see the cool sporty ones and the cool regular ones. :)