It's hard to write a lot about someone you've only met in blogworld, but I do know a few things about my not so secret sister Amanda. I know for sure, without a doubt, that she has more faith, strength and determination in her pinky finger than I do in my whole body. She is just amazing. She is the reason they came up with the saying when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. I wish not only for myself, but for my children to have such a great attitude in life. She has 4 children, three of which are 3 year old triplets!!! That alone is enough to do someone in, but she lives life with laughter and smiles and makes the absolute best of every situation. She is true inspiration among mothers and believers. I am truly privledged to be her secret sister as I hope that through this I'll be able to be a friend of hers. I hope to have the chance to meet her in person some day and put a voice to the words I read. Until then, I'll keep reading and laughing and praying for her, it's the least I can do!!!
That was great! I just love Amanda, even though I have never met her in person either! I wish I could be as strong as she is! Here's to you, Amanda!!!
I have tears in my eyes! What a tribute! I love you too Amanda even though we aren't related like you and Jamie!!
Wow! That was so nice! Here's to Amanda! (Since no one can see what I did, I gave Olivia a shot... of formula!) Just kidding, please don't call CPS on me!
funny carrie. How did you finally get a picture of her?
Thanks! I don't deserve all those nice words...I just put all of my kids in time out! I can't wait to get to know you better too.
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