Today was nice, Abby had dance class and then we went grocery shopping. I got some stuff to start my once a month cooking. I'm starting with making a few lasagnas, these yummy chicken casseroles I make and some steak fajitas. We'll see how that goes. My plan is to do all this cooking on Sundays because usually after church we just stay home anyway and I actually look forward to spending that time cooking. I"m excited about it. Noah has karate tonight, but Abby and I are staying home, we've been running all day. Kings Island opens tomorrow and we still have to get our passes. I don't know if we'll be going this weekend, but it's nice to have the option. Tomorrow is also Noah's opening day for little league. They do a parade through the town and have a little ceremony. Then it's also picture day. It's fun to watch him in the parade. I don't know why, but when I'm watching the parade come down the street and the firetrucks are blaring and everything, it chokes me up everytime. This is Noah's third parade and I just know I'll have the same reaction. It's just so cool!! Well I thought everyone's painted toe pictures were so cute so when I finally did mine, I also did Abby's and we got a quick pic. We took the picture with the camera in my computer and you should've seen us trying to bend our legs just right so the camera could see it!! Well have a good weekend
Beautiful toe pics! That would have been a riot to see!! Definately post pictures of the parade. That sounds so neat, and I am positive I would have the same reaction to seeing my kiddos in a parade. My brother in law will be in our 4th of July one this year. Maybe I'll get teary over him. Nah, I doubt it!
Have a super duper weekend. Would you share your chicken casserole recipe? Are you excited to fill your freezer?
Oh I am sooo jealous that you have a pretty lil girl to paint your toes with! That must be sooo much fun!
Girl, I bawl like a baby when my boys are in anything.......I just can't help it!!! Share some of those yummy recipes please!
toes are cute
well not all toes but those are cute
going to bed to get up at 4am for sale
call me anytime while i am there because i can answer my phone
good luck with parade
sooo tired
love you bye
The parade sounds so neat! That's a wonderful way to start the season.
The toe pictures is adorable!!
I stayed up to see your parade pics
I love the pic! That took some talent to take!
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