The baskets
A play-doh bunny Noah made
The kids looking at their new stuff.
Hunting eggs at Mamaw and Papaw's house (in the freezing cold!!, this morning the news said Christmas Day was warmer than Easter, that's just crazy!!)
The cousins
The dinner table. I again made the centerpiece. I potted little pansies in small pots and then put them in a big liner filled with easter grass and eggs. You can also see the eggs we made with everyone's names on them for their place setters

So pretty and handsome!!
Noah and Riley playing together. They looked so cute together!!
Hello all, I hope you had a wonderful Easter celebration!! We had a really nice whole weekend. I forgot to mention that last weekend we saw Meet the Robinsons and I for one was pleasantly surprised by how much I liked it. That happened with Cars too. When I first saw the previews for Cars I didn't think I'd like it, but I ended up really loving it. This movie I wouldn't say I loved, but I did enjoy it and the quote at the end brought tears to my eyes, it was just a perfect ending. Well this weekend we spent a lot of time together as a family. Friday we went out to dinner after karate and then to Costco where we got our next three month supply of ketchup!!! Can't go without the red stuff!!! Saturday Daddy let me sleep until 10, aaaahhh how nice!! We then got up and ready and went out to lunch and then to this little candy store in downtown Lebanon. It's such a cute little store. The kids picked out a treat and then before we left, I checked the Goodwill right there that had signs up saying all clothes were 50% off today. (Aren't you proud Sonya!!) So I went in and found 3 cute things for the kids at half off. The rest of the day we just spent at home, I let Daddy nap downstairs (I think he was actually watching is Magnum P.I. DVD!!) and I played games and read books with the kiddies and just watched some t.v. too. After the kids were in bed, I put together their baskets and then got everything ready for Sunday. Sunday morning we woke the kids up at 7 to make sure we had time to let them play with their new stuff before church. The kids were very excited about what they got. Noah was amazed that with Santa you have to tell him what you want, but the Easter Bunny just knows!! They were very excited and of course wanted a piece of candy at 7 in the morning, so we let them have just one!! They played for about an hour and then we left for church. It's always crazy in the nursery on the Easter and we ended up staying in there both hours. I love seeing how the parents bring their little babies dressed for Easter. The dresses are so cute and the boys with their vest and ties and some with hats are just adorable. The kids had fun too, there was a magic show for all the kids (Abby was very excited that she saw Noah in there!!) They always enjoy their time in Sunday school. So after church we went to my parents where we made a yummy dinner (I made macaroni and cheese with bunny shaped pasta!!) and we had an egg hunt for the kids even though it was freezing out. It was still fun. My brother and his family came later because they went to her family's festivities first. Noah and Riley were dressed very similarily (not planned) and looked really cute together. The kids just played and played with stuff we brought and stuff Mamaw and Papaw got them. It was a very nice day, we ended up staying until 7. When we got home, we did the resurrection eggs together. I was surprised at how much they really affected the kids. Noah was relieved when we got past the parts about Jesus being hurt. I wanted to end the day with a reminder of what the holiday really is and to make sure we never lose sight of that.
Well my parents just returned that morning from a quick trip to Gatlinburg. They stayed in these really cool cabins in the mountains and loved it. Now we're planning a big trip for the 9 of us to one of the big cabins there that sleep 10. They have three bedrooms and two pullout sofas. It has your own private hot tub, deck with grill, fireplace and access to fishing ponds (equipment also provided). I think it sounds like a blast. I think we're planning to go on Labor Day Weekend. I can't wait!! Well our other September trip is now officially booked. As of this morning, Disney Visa holders can book trips to WDW with free dining plan!! It will be available to everyone else on Thursday. So we're going September 19-30 and we're staying at the Caribbean Beach Resort and we get all of our meals FREE!!!! That saves us about 1100 dollars!!! And we get to eat at much more expensive restaurants than we would normally choose otherwise. So we're eating at (table service/sit down) Beaches and Cream at the Beach Club, Le Cellier at EPCOT, the Whispering Canyon at the Wilderness Lodge, Liberty Tree Character Dinner at Magic Kingdom, Chef Mickey's at the Contemporary, Akershus Princess Breakfast at EPCOT, O'hana at the Polynesian, 50's Prime Time Diner at Disney Studios, Le Cellier again, Tony's Town Square at Magic Kingdom, and the Coral Reef at EPCOT. Oh, I can't wait!! I can taste the yummy steaks at Le Cellier already!! I'm also excited about our hotel. I stayed at CBR with my family when I was about 15 and remember it being very nice. We requested a room close to the main pool and food court area. They are usually very kind when we request a certain area. The main pool is themed in an old fort kind of motif that a pirate ship may attack. I think within the next year or so , they're actually going to make it Pirates of the Caribbean themed (as well as the rooms in the hotel). It has a big water slide and everything so that should be fun. Well I guess that's all for today. I have some projects I want to accomplish at home this week during our Spring Break and hopefully I'll get them done. Well I hope everyone has a great day!!
Wow, that all sounded really fun. I love family time too and in our busy lives, it is hard to squeeze in.
I am glad that you have finally seen the value of your local Goodwill store. It is amazing what you can find. I am not crazy about their full prices but when it is half off, it is very worth it.
I bet we could never tell the difference in the clothes either.
Riley did look especially cute. His little cheeks are so chubby...i love em.
Your Disney trip sounds like a blast and I would be just as excited about the free dining. Infact, it freakin' thrills me. All the resturants were greek to me and made my head hurt.
The egg hunt didn't look looked fun. I am glad they had a good easter.
I am glad you are not grumpy for at least a day. You sound nice and happy..such a change from your grumpy butt last week.
Denise called me from the sale, she wanted to make sure I am doing it. I just called her back and told her to please call you and give you a number. I gave her your number again. I had to leave a message.
Comment on my blog if she actually gives you one.
Hi Jamie!!! The pictures are great! I'm glad you guys had lots of good fam time and a good Easter! all the kids looked adoreable!
you have not heard from her??
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