My new border for the kids bathroom

AAHHHH, an empty pantry

The kids bathroom
When I was working on the border upstairs, Abby fell asleep on the couch watching Mulan, I thought she looked so cute!!
Tuesday was actually pretty productive for me. I got my pantry completely emptied and swept so we can get the freezer in when it comes today. I also hung two shelves above where the freezer will be. Now I have all of our food all over the kitchen counters. I cooked a pretty big dinner last night in the counter space of one small cutting board!! I can't wait to get the freezer so I can put everything back together. When I was shopping for my shelves at Lowe's I once again checked for this really cute border I had been eyeing for the kids bathroom for over 2 years now. I usually do not enjoy any kind of wallpaper, but this was so cute, it looks like mosaic tiles and it's the only wallpaper we have in the whole house. I saw it when we were picking out things for the house while it was still being built. I loved it, but it was never in stock. We went there a ton of times during the build and even after and everytime I checked for it but it was never there. Well a few months ago I asked the lady working in wallpaper about it and she looked it up and said it was discontinued and they wouldn't be getting anymore in. I was crushed, but yesterday I decided to check anyway and they had three rolls of it just sitting in there. I couldn't believe it. I grabbed two and ran!! Well I couldn't wait to see it up, so I did it last night after dinner. I have to say that I love it more than I thought I would. It's so cute!! Well after that we put the kiddies to bed and watched Walk the Line (the Johnny Cash movie) and we both really liked it. My husband kept calling me June and singing to me after it!!! He said he needed to go to wal-mart to get some black clothes! He's strange!! I would definitely recommend it, it's a good movie. Much better than the very violent and disturbing Casino Royale, that husband enjoyed and I loathed!! So it was a good night and Joey is still in Dancing with the Stars, so I'm thrilled. I still have to watch American Idol though, I couldn't squeeze it all in. Well hopefully today is just as productive!! We'll see.....
Well, i just cracked up about the Johnny Cash comments. i could just see "husband" saying that. You 2 are truly strange and have a strange relationship but somehow it works!! Good for you.
We also LOVED that movie. I wanted to be Reese in that movie. Have I mentioned that she is my favorite actress? of course, she has been way before her oscar.
I like wall paper as a whole so I am sure I will love it. That bathroom looks great.
Kudos for you for hanging a shelf yourself and putting up wallpaper. I stink at anything like that. I really admire any woman who does that crap...i mean work.
Abby looked as precious as ever and I have to say i am jealous that you got that gorgeous couch for FREE!!!! I love it.
Well, have a good you SOOOOO much!!
Oh my goodness, i just saw the border close is amazing. it looks like you laid each tile piece. Awesome Lynny
i don't care for the white clock in there. it is too white compared to the earth tones...
the cabinets, tub and toilet are white though
the tiles in the tub surround, the door, the window, the blinds, the trim....alll white!!!!
oh and that's not the free couch, we paid for that one!! The free one is in the formal living room!!
oh okay i thought that was the free one. okay it is still nice but not as nice as if it were free
about the white...looks who is talking..i know nothing about decorating but it just looked too wite...SM
I love the wallpaper! Very classy and very pretty!
Abby looks so cute! Shawn and I love Walk the Line, we have seen it several times.....we love it that much! Shawn's a huge fan of Johnny cash's music!
That wall paper is awesome! I love it! I'm glad you found it.
We haven't seen that movie yet, but we will have to rent it soon. I think it's on my list.
The picture of Abby is adorable! I love when they fall asleep on the couch while watching a movie.
Love the wallpaper. I am glad that you were able to get it, it looks perfect in there. Yay for you with getting everything ready for the freezer. Are you going grocery shopping as soon as it is delivered?! I hope that you have a great day.
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