Abby and her mamaw!!
Mr. Toad
Sidewalk Masterpieces
"I Love a Parade!!"
Catching the toad
Abby's sign for her brother
The start of the parade, the part that always starts the waterworks!!
Today was such a great day. The weather, wow how incredible and the fun we had was right up there too!! We went to Noah's opening day parade and just as I predicted, I teared up!! I was almost discovered too, but am very good at hiding it!! Noah looked so cute walking down in his Reds uniform with his cool sports glasses. My mom and Steve's mom both came and it was just very fun. I made a sign for Abby to hold while the boys walked by, it was too cute!! After that we had a nice lunch at Larosas and then came home. I decided to work on making a nice bed for small trees and bushes on the side of our house that is seen when driving up to it. Right now it's just grass and you can see all the foundation that's above ground and it just wasn't pretty, so I got started on that today. It was a lot of work trying to get rid of all that grass. But I think it's good now and I'm going to line the bed with extra bricks we have from building our house and then put a nice layer of top soil in and plant my trees and bushes. I hope it comes out well!! While I was working on that the kiddies were drawing with sidewalk chalk and at one point they found a toad. Daddy caught him and Noah held him for a second before he jumped out. The kids both just laughed and laughed watching him hop away. They really love animals!! After that I went in and made bbq chicken, baked beans and a broccoli pasta salad for dinner and we ate on the back deck. It was just a very nice day. The kids loved being out and I did too. I loved sitting on the front porch in our rockers with my husband, that's very fun!!
Your day sounds amazing!!! those pictures are cute. That picture of mamaw, isn't your mom is it??? She looks like she's our age!!!!
Hey, I bought you something today from the bookstore. I have seen it several times when I go there and it just screams JAMIE! It just reminds me of you so I bought it today. I will give it to Sonya to give to you!
Please share the brocoli pasta recipe........please!!!!
Yes that is my mama!! Ever since I hit puberty I've heard how we look like sisters!! She loves it!! I'm so excited to see what was screaming me!! Thank you so much for thinking of me. The recipe is pretty easy, I just cook a box of pasta (I usually use bowties, but chose whatever you like) and steam some broccoli, mix them together, drizzle extra virgin olive oil over them, sprinkle some parmesean cheese and salt, pepper and a little basil (I used fresh basil today, it looked really good in the store), that's about it. I'm not a big pasta salad person, so it's pretty simple, but we like it!!
That sounds yummy! You must be a good cook.......do you like to cook? I love to cook and I am pretty good at it....not so much at baking though. One of my favorite things to do is to feed people! I love it......Shawn blames being overweight on the fact that I love to cook and feed him! ha ha
well, i see that you 2 have had plenty to talk abotu while I was sleeping....
your husband is very nice looking in that picture.....and the toad aint bad either.
noah's team are the reds?..i don't understand..he looked so cute. i would have bawled too
your mom does look extremely young...that new car of hers won't hurt that either
the pasta dish soundds good if you added some cream sauce to it..i love cream
today will be just as nice out so enjoy it
you will love what crys bought you it is very JAMIE
Yes Noah's team is the Reds, they pick major league teams names for their names. Last year he was the tampa bay devil rays. The kids love it when they're the Reds!!
She does look so young!!!
Wow your day sounds fun! That is stuff your kids will remember, and you will too! I hope that the summer brings you many more days like that. Post a picture of your landscaping when you are done, it sounds like it will be pretty.
I love Mr. Toad! He is so cool!
The parade sounds like so much fun. Abby is so cute holding the sign and cheering on her brother.
The bed of trees and bushes sounds lovely! You will have to post a picture when it's all done.
Your dinner sounds delicious and your evening sounds perfect! :)
Glad your weekend was great with your family.
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