Sunday, December 31, 2006

Church Music

Today at church all the sunday school classes were cancelled (except for the preschool and under crowd), so Noah came to the worship service with us. We were singing and he was standing on the chair in between us and I can't even tell you how sweet it sounds when my baby sings songs of worship in my ear. I loved it!! He was so focused and serious, it was awesome. He brought his new Bible (thank you papaw!!) to church with him today and looked through it when the sermon was going on. They knew the kids would be in there so they had them come up to the stage and sang songs they would like as well and they danced with them. It was so awesome!! It always tears me up to see kids so excited about God!! I love our church so much. It's just the best!! Oh, and as I post this right now, Noah is singing one of the songs we sang....I couldn't possibly love those kids any more!!

1 comment:

SamandSawyersMom said...

I feel you my friend. I think those same words all the time. Is there any words to describe how I feel about my children? I don't think so. I am glad you had a great service. We may have to check that church out. Of course, it would be 25 minutes for us probably.