Thursday, December 14, 2006

Noah's home today

Well, Noah didn't go to sleep until past 2am last night and everytime we asked him why he couldn't sleep (any pain, bad dreams, worries, etc...) he said he didn't know. Well right at 2 he threw up. I don't know if he's sick or maybe just something he ate didn't sit well, but we're gonna keep him home anyway. The schools rule is no vomiting within 24 hours, plus he only got about 4 1/2 hours of sleep, so he's upstairs sleeping now. I hope he feels better...


SamandSawyersMom said...

Oh poor guy. Give him our love. He must be sick. I have heard a lot of vomitting going on around the city. Good luck. How many goodies did he eat last night?

Crystal said...

I hope the little guy feels better soon.

Jamie said...

You know, he only had one cookie last night. So hopefully it's just a 24 hour thing. He only did it once last night and we just gave him some orange juice as a test for this morning. We'll see how that goes!! Thanks for all the well wishes!!