Tonight we went to the newly opened Great Wolf Lodge next to Kings Island. Steve's cousin and her husband are spending the weekend there and they got a total of 6 passes for today and invited us to come up. We spent a total of $4 for a locker for the entire day!! It is so awesome. You really feel like you're on vacation, but only 12 minutes from home. Noah could ride all of the slides and he loved them. Abby rode a pretty fast one and then only wanted to do the "kiddie" ones from them on (she got splashed pretty good!!) We spent over 5 hours there and had the best time. There is so much to do, even for little ones Abby's age and smaller. The kiddie area was so great, they have 3 tiny slides that Mommy or Daddy can catch them, two curvy bigger slides (still pretty slow though) that again they can be caught on and a huge pool area that's only about a foot and a half deep. Then they had this humungous water fort for kids a bit older with a few small slides there as well that empty into very shallow water. They had a lazy river, tube slides (you ride on innertubes) that go in and out of the building. It was just incredible. It feels so warm in there, yet there's no sun - so no sunblock which I love. I would definitely recommend it for a fun getaway. Boy am I exhausted!!
That sounds like so much fun! Those slides look cool! I was at my inlaws house cleaning today and the house is about a mile from Kings Island......that's funny that you were right up the road today.
Wow. I would love to go but Steve saw on the news that you can't just buy tickets to go to the water park but you have to stay there and it is over 100 bucks a night. I think WAY over 100 bucks. Do you know if that has changed?? This was when they were building it. I want to take the kids. I love your pictures...as always.
Yeah, the rooms are pretty pricey, close to or over $200 a night. And you do have to stay there to go into the park (well at least someone you know has to!!) Steve and Noah are going back today, his family is staying all day today and tomorrow as well. The rooms are pretty big though, if you split a room with someone it might be better, I honestly don't know...
That is insane. Eventually they will have to sell passes to it in the off season.
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