Friday, December 22, 2006


This is my Great Grandma whom everyone calls Granny. She is actually Noah and Abby's Great Great Grandma. They are the fifth generation. She is the mother of my grandma who is the mother of my Dad who is the father of me and I'm the mother to Abby and Noah. She's going to be 90 next year and is young as I ever remember. It's so great having so much family to share with my children. How wonderful it must be for her to see so many generations grow before her eyes. We're so blessed to have her in our lives!!


SamandSawyersMom said...

She is adorable. Thanks for breaking all that down for us. I was like 5 generations...what? Your kids really are so beautiful. Noah is so photogentic for a boy. He looks good in every shot!

Crystal said...

That's amazing and so are blessed. I always wish my Grandparents and Great Grandparents were here to see my kids.