Monday, December 11, 2006

Ok, Ok...

I'll post something else too. We finally decided to bite the bullet and get a really good camera. We got a Canon digital Rebel and I love it so much. I've been playing with it and here's a few of the photos I took. I still need to practice with it, it does a lot more than any camera we've had before and I'm not real educated about it yet. But I'm excited to use it this Christmas!!


SamandSawyersMom said...

So do you watch your nephew? I know you thought you might. Your dog is big. We got a good camera too.

Jamie said...

Yes I watch Riley regularly. I'm their main sitter, unless a grandparent wants to watch him for a day. My brother works a very unregular schedule, so I don't have him all five days usually, but around 3 days a week.