Thursday, February 8, 2007


Today, my Abby had a bit of a meltdown when I dropped her off at school. It was so strange because she never even bats an eye when we leave her there. At first she was in a great mood, but it suddenly changed and she just clung to me and cried. I honestly don't know for sure what's wrong. I guess it could just be a bad day, but she's been fine since then. Her teachers told me they calmed her down right away and everything was fine after that, but I just found it a bit strange. Up until January there was only 4 kids in the class and since then they've doubled and at the parent-teacher conference, I was told that she was having a little trouble adjusting to the new kids. She wasn't very keen on inviting them into their small close-knit group, plus as I've mentioned before, 3 of the 4 don't speak English well and none of them have been in preschool before and don't know the rules yet or "manners" in social settings I guess you could say. So it's just been difficult for her to get used to that. I think she was very comfortable in her class before and now it's been disrupted sort of. I guess that could be one reason why she acted like she did today. She's definitely a creature of habit and changes to that are often met with a struggle. I'm trying really hard to explain to her how the other kids must feel (shy and scared at being at school for the first time, etc..) and she seems to be understanding that, but this is all really difficult for a 4 year old to understand. I just hope she starts to feel comfortable again soon. She has loved her class all year and I'd hate for that to change. We'll see what happens Tuesday!!


SamandSawyersMom said...

Ah poor girl. I can say from experience that they do usually stop crying once mom leaves. I would seriously ask her questions though since it came on so fast. Are you sure she has not been bullied, touched...talked down to?? Maybe she has a very good reason for her melt down. It is probably nothing, but you can never be too careful. I will pray for that little boogie. I miss her and her sassy-ness.

Crystal said...

I agree with Sonya, you should ask her some questions just to make sure it's nothing serious.