Well last night Miss Sonya came over and we worked really hard and got most of her scrapbook stuff organized and easy to use. We went through all of it and put it into piles that were arranged by category (baby, kids, family, holidays, season, birthday, etc...) and then we went to Wal-Mart and found some really great organizing folder thingys and then put each category into a divided section and labeled it. Now she'll be able to just look through a small section to find inspiration for a certain page. I really hope it helps her get started!!
Boy that picture does not do that mess justice but I know how hard you worked. The poor girl worked all night on just MY stuff!!! Thanks rock!
That's awesome! I'm so glad you helped her get organized. Hopefully she will start working on her albums now.
You can do it, yes you can, scrap those pictures or you're a man!
Wait! That didn't sound right. HAHA! Atleast it rhymed! :)
You are a miracle worker!
Yeah she really is. I know it sounds like I am just kissing her butt because she did so much for me but i have to say that she has a real gift in this area. I wanted to cry when I sifted through it but she never waivered. She didn't want to quit. It is in great shape now. i would have NEVER thought to organize it the way I did. I always had a pile of embellishments, a book of stickers, a book of this...blah blah. She organized it so i would have a file of Christmas, birthdays etc. So, everything I need is in one file. Awesome. Now I need to have 500 pictures printed and i will be ready.
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