Friday, February 16, 2007

Post number 4!!

Ok, here comes post number 4, just some ramblings. Well Wednesday night/Thursday morning we did lose our power for about 2 hours. It started at 2:30am and Abby came running into my room saying her lights and fan went off. She has to have a nightlight and her closet light on with the door cracked open and her ceiling fan on (in the winter it runs backwards and actually helps warm her room) to sleep. She's crazy like that. And when they went off she immediately woke up and came running!!! I let her lay with me in my bed since the house was completely dark and I knew she'd never go back in there alone. So I tossed and turned for an hour or so and just kept thinking about what I was going to do if the power didn't come right back on. I tried so hard to get my mind to shut off so I could go back to sleep. Well when I did eventually get back to sleep Abby kept waking me up with her horrible snoring!! Her nose is a little stuffy and she was doing some serious log sawing!! Well at 4:30 it came back on and I promptly carried her back to her bed so I could finally get some sleep!! Well Noah ended up having school cancelled but Abby still had to go, so we got up and took her to school and then Noah and I came back for her Valentine party. Last night my honey finally came home. He went to a convention of some sort and came home with tons of free stuff. It was like Christmas. The three of us just sat there in awe of all the things he pulled out his brand new free wheelie computer bag!! Well today I made a huge decision that has been waying heavily on me and I sincerely hope I made the right choice. I'd rather not go into all the details on here, but I was very nervous and worried about having to tell someone tonight my choice, but it went better than I feared. Only time will tell how well it was really received, hopefully all will go well and they'll understand my choices. Well I need to get the kiddies to bed and then it's scrapbooking time!! I also just made some brownies so I'll be eating those as well (I just had a major chocolate craving!!!!) Don't worry Sonya, I have two more boxes and plan to make one Sunday!! Well hope everyone has a great weekend...I'm looking forward to the Daytona 500, when some dear friends are coming over to watch with us on the big screen. Go Jeff Gordon!!


Crystal said...

Hey, Grease night was canceled but Sunday isn't??? NO FAIR!

SamandSawyersMom said...

Jeff gordan cheated and he has been thrown tot the wolves. Crazy thing is, the wolves threw him backa dn said "we don't like fruit!" Brownies sound goody. I know that you made the right choice. Stop worrying about it. You don't deserve the stress. See you Sunday to eat your brownies.

Char said...

Glad your honey is home safe and sound!
Now I am dying from curiosity about what choice you had to make and why!!!!! haha! I'm sure you made the right choice.
Hope you got to scrap some!
Go Dale Jr!! :)

Crystal said...

Yeah, thanks for the mystery sandwich.......I'll be chewing on it for a while!

SamandSawyersMom said...

Jamie, send them an email and tell them the decision.

Crystal said...

Yeah Jamie! Inquiring nosey minds wanna know!

Crystal said...

Just so you know, if the decision was to cancel grease, I happen to believe it was a poor one! SM

Lura said...

I think we should play a new game. Guess what Jamie's decision was about. Ha ha. I'm sorry, I don't think we can be friends if you root for Jeff Gordon! Go Dale Jr.! I know, the race is already over.

SamandSawyersMom said...

Mark almost won people. It was soooooo close!!