Monday, February 5, 2007

Noah's journal

Noah writes in a journal at school almost daily and he brings them home every month. His teacher usually gives them an idea of what to write about and they go from there. Well the other day I was reading through it and he said something he really likes to do is play games on his new computer and also on Daddy's computer. They also draw a picture to go along with it and he drew two pictures, side by side, one of him on a computer and one of Daddy on a computer and he made sure to label both computers "Dell". I thought it was so darn cute. For those who don't know my husband works for Dell. I just loved it and told all of our family at a big dinner Saturday night and they thought it was cute too!!


SamandSawyersMom said...

That is a future business man if I have ever seen one. You go with your posting self. I expected to be "puzzled" for days!!

SamandSawyersMom said...

I was thinking this summer, when Noah does not have school, you should have him journal on his own blog. He would probably love that. He could add pictures or whatever. You could make it completely private like Charity just did and only invite the readers you want or none at all. It would be cool for him I bet.