Monday, February 12, 2007

Alright, alright

Noah's gift

Abby's gift

Our yummy Valentine's Dinner (on our expensive Spode dinnerwear we got for our wedding!!)

My gifts!! Sorry no pic of my painting, the camera doesn't do it justice, you'll have to see it in person!!

Dang, can a person have a nice weekend without being tied to this darn computer?!?! You people really need to get some lives!! SM Well, we had a pretty busy weekend, Friday is when Noah has both karate (every other week) and basketball practice. Usually Abby and I just stay home because they'll be gone from 5:10 until 8:20 and that's just a long time, but this week I needed to go to Wal-Mart anyway, so Abby and I tagged along. While Daddy and Noah were at Karate, Abby and I went to wal-mart and then picked up some dinner in the drive-thru. Before we got back to karate, I realized we had totally forgotten all of Noah's basketball clothes and shoes!! What in the world were we thinking!! Well, luckily I had enough time to run and get them and get back in time to pick the boys up and go to our church for basketball. At Wal-Mart I got some things for my honey for v-day and I also got something for my Grease costume!! OOOOHHH you girls better be excited about this party!!! Well Saturday we took the kids to my parents to spend the night. This was the first time they've just spent the night without us with them at someone else's house. A few times someone has come here to stay with them (a grandparent), but never at their house. Abby was so excited, she kept saying "this is my first sleepover!!" . The kids had lots of fun, they ate pizza, got some new toys, watched movies, stayed up until 10 and then had donuts in the morning. They really enjoyed it. Meanwhile Steve and I just came home to enjoy a nice quiet evening in our own home. I made my very yummy chicken alfredo and we watched the Wedding Singer in the theater. It was so nice to be alone in our home, we've never done that before. We also exchanged gifts for Valentines because Steve's out of town this week. I painted him a picture of a sunset over a beach, like we saw in San Diego and I put our initials inside a heart in the sand. It's cute!! We had a 10 dollar limit for each other and I was able to get a canvas, a few paint colors (thank goodness for wal-mart's .44 cent paints), plus a few little candy items and a card. He got me a ton for 10 bucks though! He got me three votive candle holders that say I love you (1 word on each holder), a cute valentine pail that he put a stuffed valentine king frog inside (very cute!!) plus two reese peanut butter hearts!! He decided to write his own card in the form of a very sweet poem. It was just a really nice night. Well Sunday morning we went to church and then to pick up the kids. After that, Noah had a basketball game, we went to get Steve's Mom's car so he could use it to go to the airport today (since she's not using it because of her shoulder injury), so I don't have to go all the way down there today and again on Thursday, and then we came home where I made dinner and we cleaned out the garage enough to fit the car in. During our basement finishing, the garage became home to lots of giant empty boxes and other home improvement implements. So we finally decided to clear enough space for the car, especially with the potential for ice this week. So we were pretty busy this weekend. Today, I need to get my coupons and ads together and decide if I need to get any good deals today and then when Noah gets out of school, we're going to go sledding down a big hill we saw yesterday. I'm not sure how good it would be to sled if after tomorrow's storm we have ice or freezing rain, so we're going to just go today, Noah doesn't know yet, it's a surprise. Oh I forgot, yesterday we also gave the kids a few little Valentine gifts as well. Just a couple of chocolate items, a card and a small toy-Noah got a small Lego set and Abby got a new pet from Littlest Pet Shop. We got them on Saturday at Target and we also found there a cupid potato head. I love all the different potato heads (like Sonya does) and begged Steve to get it and he let me!! Yay!! It's so cute, it has a bow and arrow in one hand and in the other a big read heart that says "cutie fry"!!! He also has angel like wings and real potato feet, which we haven't had before. We've had real feet inside sandals but never just on their own, so I'm excited about that!! Well we have a lot to do in the evenings this week, hopefully by Wednesday evening, we'll be able to get out!! I promised the kids we'd go to McD's for Valentine's Day and Noah has football registrations that night as well. Why do we have to register for something now that doesn't start until August? That just seems so dumb, but oh well. And then Thursday it's Baseball registrations which starts and ends before football even begins!! Very strange and confusing!! Plus I have to take Noah to karate (supposed to be Tuesday and Thursday, we'll see with the snow and all). Both kids are also having Valentine parties that I have to get ready for and attend. It's a crazy week!! Maybe it'll just snow so bad that we can cancel everything and worry about it all next week when my dear hubby is back!!! Well how's that for a post, it should be considered a novel it's so long!! Now at least give me 18 hours before you hound me for another, please!!


Crystal said...

Very good post! I love the gifts and I love that you and Steve a had a good night's nice to have those every once in a while!

Crystal said...

I wanna see a picture of the potato head!

SamandSawyersMom said...

Give me a P OS you relaly think your strong language is going to stop me?? You don't scare me.

SamandSawyersMom said...

Ah, what a nice nice night you had with your husband. I HAVE to have the potatoe head. can you take a pic of it..NOW?? I am dying to see it. How much was it and where did you get it? I want it, I need it.

Good luck finding deals today at the store. I found ZILCH!!!!!!!!!!!

I am very sad to say that I found ZERO red tagged meats. I am not happy.

The kids look as cute as ever.

Thanks for posting, please do it again by 3pm today...thanks so much!!

SamandSawyersMom said...

It's been 5 1/2 hours since you posted...get to it...SM

SamandSawyersMom said...

What are you for potatoe heads or something???