Friday, February 23, 2007

T thank G goodness I it's F friday!!!

AAAAAHHHH, finally a day this week where I'm not bogged down with responsibilities. I only have to take Abby to take today and that sounds great. Monday thru Wednesday I took care of Riley pretty much full days and yesterday Noah had a field trip to the children's museum. I came as a chaperone and the group she put me with was Noah and three girls!! It was interesting to say the least!! One of the girls was very sweet, she complimented my shirt and had to sit by me in the Imax theater. Oh, the movie we saw in the Imax was about Beavers and I thought it was going to be boring, but I was wrong. (I know Sonya hates these kinds of things), but I really loved it. It amazed me that two little beavers could cut down 200 trees in one year to make a dam and a home to start a family. It was just incredible to me. The narrator said that other than humans, they impact and change their environment more than any other animal. I just didn't realize that. I just sit there and think, wow us and beavers, who knew?!?!? Well I really enjoyed it and now I want to see more movies there!!

Well in case you didn't notice, I took down my blingy bob countdown to disneyland paris, because we've had to postpone it due to the wicked wicked ways of the corporate world. We didn't get our annual bonus this year. They've taken them away from everyone, 1 month before we were supposed to get them, so we're hoping for next year!! We still had some airline coupons and frequent flyer miles that needed to be used or they would expire, so we opted for a nice long stay in Walt Disney World at the end of September. We were still able to get all 4 air tickets free and have enough for one more flight somewhere else. I'm actually a little relieved because it just seemed like we had so much to do before going to Paris and we weren't really working on it yet, now I can sit back and relax and just anxiously await a trip back to a familiar place where I don't have to worry about anything really. Especially with the dining plan they offer now. We did that the last time we went and we loved it, never again will we go without it!!

So today with nothing else to do, I am really hoping and praying to get the laundry caught up, the kitchen cleaned up, all the bathrooms cleaned up, the floors either swept and mopped or vacuumed, the house dusted and a nice dinner made. Plus go to Kroger, the bank, dance class and pick up Noah from school. With God as my strength I know I can get it all done and I just think about how proud I'll be when it's done. Oh and I have to pay all the bills online, that only takes 5 minutes though, I sure do love that!! Well later if I get a break, I'll post pics from the field trip yesterday. Hoping everyone has a great Friday and weekend as well!!


SamandSawyersMom said...

Well, I have been trying to comment for a couple of hours to no avail.

Well, haven't you been a busy beaver (pi).

I would rather lick lead paint off of a 100 year old wall while hoola hooping and having birds eat my head then watch a movie about Beavers. I applaud their accomplishments but I really just don't care.

I am glad you are taking time to clean your house. You really ought to get an award if you clean that whole thing in one day.

I need to talk to you sometime to see about tomorrow. Did you make plans?? I bet you did, you grimy gremlin!

I am in rare form today. It is from the vomit fumes. They are similar to the high you get from glue or sharpies...very nice.

I already forgot what else your post was about but i bet it was informative and very interesting.

Lura said...

You are going to laugh so hard when you hear this. I quoted you on Beavers! The boys were watching a cartoon w/ beaver characters either last night or this morning, and I'm like "did you know it takes two beavers a year to build a dam?". ha ha. On the cartoon it said they eat the wood. Is that true? Or do they just chew on it to use the trees? Also, you have to check out my pigtail picture if you didn't already!

Lura said...

Sorry you don't get to take your trip right now. I was having fun learning your French though!

Char said...

The beaver movie sounds really interesting! That's great!
Sorry you can't go on your trip to Paris, BUT, you still get to go on a vacation to some place awesome! I would love to hear all the juicy details some time, either on here or you can email me where you are staying and where you guys want to eat and stuff like that. As you know, I love Disney and love talking Disney!