Well Abby did get to have her Valentine Party yesterday at school. A lot of parents came this time which was very nice for the kids. They had a really good time. Noah came with us too because his school was cancelled again. They made some different love bugs, played a valentine delivery game, read several valentine stories, went on a heart hunt and had a yummy snack. They always have such nice and well thought out parties. It's so fun for the kids. The cute box with ribbons and Abby's name on it is her little mailbox. I completely forgot to make it until Thursday morning!! OOOPPPSSS!! I quickly grabbed some consruction paper, cut it into strips and glued it onto a shoe box and then found 3 different ribbons which the first two were stapled on and the last was tied on. I just wrote her name with a marker and tada...a mailbox. It took me probably 6 minutes to make and I have to say it turned out really well!! Yes even with the snowdays, I forgot to do the project, what a terrible mother!! Oh well, at least I didn't completely forget!! Noah did have a small party at his school today as well, but his teacher didn't want it to be a big deal, so no parents came. She just had treats for them and they played a game and exchanged Valentines. What's wrong with that woman, holidays are for PARTYING!!! Anyway, just wanted to share!!!
Too cute! You did a fine job on the mailbox!
Did you not get the memo from Noah's teacher? It said that they have an obessive mother that insists on coming to every party so they had to cut the party all together. She even said that they had considered just not inviting "that" mother but last time they did that, they found her peeking through the windows to catch a glimpse of her child "partying".
Looks like an awesome party! Her box looks cute and you did an awesome job on it. Glad you got to go and that Noah got to atleast go to his sister's party!
That is strange that they don't party on V-day! That's sad. Was he ok with it or was he a little upset? What grade is he in?
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