Thursday, December 14, 2006

A joy of motherhood

I feel so much love and joy when I get to answer the sweet call of my little angel, Abby..."Mommy come see what's in the toilet!!!", followed by "will you clean my butt??" and finally "is my butt all nice and clean??". AAAAHHH I love being a Mommy!!!!


Crystal said...

I still go thru that and my son is 7 years old!! He was born with no opening to his rectum and had one surgically made so he's struggled with constipation his whole life, which has lead him to be on laxatives........He's gone three weeks without pooping and ended up in the hospital for it so whenever he does something big in the toilet, he has to show the whole family and we all get so excited! LOL He makes such a mess of himself, that I have to help him get clean.

Jamie said...

Wow, maybe I should be're post Crystal really humbles me....

Crystal said...

Oh, it's been such a long hard battle, I could go on and on about everything that Daws has gone thru because of his birth defect. I just try to be his support and make sure it doesn't make him feel bad about himself and so far, he doesn't seem to be emotionally affected by it. I think because to him, it's normal.

SamandSawyersMom said...

I know, poop is not a part of motherhood that I love. I do have to admit that when Sammy was born, and I would smell his poopy to know he needed changing, I would get so excited. I guess because I knew that that made him normal or something.