Thursday, January 11, 2007

A busy day

Well today both kids had school and while they were both gone I used that time to clean the house. I put on my ipod and sang very loudly and danced while I cleaned and I think I finally figured out how to make cleaning fun!! After I picked up Abby I folded a load of laundry and then it was off to the airport to pick up you know who. Then we picked up Noah and finally I'm home again!! We also had the couch for the basement delivered today and hooray it fit downstairs!! Whew!!! Now I'm making the pork chop dinner that Crystal suggested before but I'm getting impatient because it smells good, I'm hungry and she said to wait 10 hours and that means I still have two more hours to go!! I'm getting really excited about Noah's party because some of the things I ordered for it have arrived and I cant wait to use them. We also just got a travel guide for traveling in Paris and Disneyland Paris with kids and I read a lot of it last night and it really gets me excited!! We're going to end up only having to pay for two airline tickets because of frequent flyer miles, so that helps our budget a lot. I told Noah that they have real mummies at the Louvre and he was really excited about that -then I tried to explain how cool the Mona Lisa is and why we want to see that too and I think he might actually enjoy seeing it! I also found out there is a Disney Store on the Champs-Elysee which is a big famous street in Paris and of course we're stopping there as well. Well Noah is off school until next Tuesday (Abby too!!) so this should be a great weekend!! I can't wait for my trip with Sonya up to northern Ohio. We're going to have an absolute blast!! Well I'm off to check the pork chops and maybe I'll be able to eat them early!!


Crystal said...

Jamie, you can eat them early! They should be fine. Let me know how it turns out! Your vacation sounds wonderful!!!

SamandSawyersMom said...

Yummy. How were they?? I am excited too just a little scared about leaving sawyer. sammy will be fine but Saws is so little.

SamandSawyersMom said...

All that stuff sounds great about Paris. Be sure to check out the McDonalds, that was my favorite part.

Jamie said...

I don't know, I mean McDonald's isn't really up to our standards!!