Sunday, January 28, 2007

Growing U

Our church is offering these great classes on Sunday evenings and we decided to take the Value Packed Parenting class and tonight was the first. It's mainly a video class and tonight the man on the video (whose very funny and interesting to listen to) compared our children to wet cement and that we only have a very short time to get it right. I loved that analogy. I know with Noah the time has already gone by so fast and Ijust know that the rest of his time here in our home will be just as quick (to me anyway, to him it'll be like torture I'm sure!!!) I can't wait to see the rest of the series, they're going to discuss birth order differences, how discipline is not the same as punishment, how to talk to our kids so they'll listen and how to listen so they'll talk, improving childs self confidence and a session on anger. I'm very excited about it. He also said that our kids are bringing luggage with them to adulthood and we are the ones packing it for them. Should we pack it with fillers or value? I really enjoyed and can't wait to come back!! Also, while we're in this class the kiddies are in choir classes at church so it works out really well for us. It's a great time!!


SamandSawyersMom said...

Wow, I would have loved that. I would have hung on every word! Do you know his name so Joy can try and get it for our church. I would love to see him. Wow, i relaly would. The child care is such an issue with me though.

Jamie said...

his name is Dr. Kevin Leman, this is his website

It really is good!!

Char said...

That sounds great!!

SamandSawyersMom said...

I want to see him

Lura said...

Kevin Lehman is good. He has several books out. You'll have to let us know what you learn!

SamandSawyersMom said...

really lura, you know him too? how much does this cost to take? Can people still get in? is it for church members only?

Jamie said...

we paid $5 for a workbook, other than that it's free and it's for anyone who wants to take it. We're not having it this sunday because of the superbowl, but after that it's at 5pm on sundays

SamandSawyersMom said...

wow, can you still buy the notebooks? I may check with Steve and see if he will watch the kids or we can take them to his parents house. Would you care? I think I would like it.

Jamie said...

I would love for you to come. Yeah she just handed out the workbooks yesterday so I think it's fine to still get one. Let me know and I'll send MaryJane an email and let her know you're coming

SamandSawyersMom said...

okay, i have to talk to steve today..hold on till i talk to him how many weeks is this for?

Jamie said...

I think 6 more weeks and then they're starting part 2 of it which is 7 or 8 weeks, you don't have to do part 2 unless you want to