Thursday, January 11, 2007

Pork Chop Dinner

Well I made the pork chops from Crystal's recipe and I have to say it was very delicious. The pork was so tender it just fell apart, yummy!! The potatoes were great, all of it! We're definitely making it again, I loved how easy it was and it tasted delicious. Thanks Crystal!!


Crystal said...

I'm so glad you liked it! It was my favorite meal as a kid probably because it was one my mom couldn't screw up! She was a horrible cook!

Crystal said...

Did you slather the taters in butter, and make some corn and rolls to go with it?? That's what I do.

Jamie said...

No, we just ate it as is. It was filling enough without other sides, but maybe next time I'll add something with it!! Plus this way, it was pretty healthy!!!

Crystal said...

Healthy shmealthy! SBNL

SamandSawyersMom said...

I am so proud of Crystal for using my lingo. I know she was tempted to use lol. Now, if she could just use that same restraint when it comes to smoking!!

Crystal said...