Well tomorrow is Noah's 7th Birthday. Part of me is a bit sad but most of me is happy for him!! Seven just seems like such a big kid to me. It's official my baby ain't so baby anymore!! I can't believe weve gotten to this point already. I've always been the type of person who inwardly is just sobbing everytime they do something that moves them further ahead toward adulthood (school, sports, even potty training!!) but outwardly I"m excited for them to being new things. I mean with the school thing, I'm very happy for him to be there making lots of friends, learning so much and just having a ton of fun (I really enjoyed school and I'm glad he gets to experience that), but at the same time I sort of morn for the days when we all just stayed home and played and sat on the couch together and sometimes even kept our pj's on all day!! I know I still have the summer and being a fan of the fall and winter, it took this to make me look forward to those awful hot months!!! He's such a wonderful boy and I'm so proud of him!! It's not all sadness I feel, because now there's so many cool things we can all do as a family and I love that. We can all ride some of the bigger rides at Disney together now, we took the kids tubing on Laurel Lake in Kentucky last summer and you can't do that with a baby or little toddler. I love the age they're at now, but I do still miss some of the sweetness of days gone by!! So tomorrow, he's seven and then after seven short more years, he'll be 14 aaaaaaahhhhhhh!! I just pray that with age, he doesn't lose the things I love so much about him now. But no matter what, he'll always be my little bugaboo (even when he has to look down to see into my eyes!!) except now I should probably just shorten it to Bug, that sounds a bit more manly!!!
Oh how sweet. Yeah it is hard. I know that you love him any age that he is. I am glad that you are celebrating his 7th even if you wish it was still his first. I think the baby rattle for his cake is a little young though...hee hee. I am proud of the mommy you are and I think that your children are going to have some powerful words for you someday about the dedication that you gave them. If they ever need help remembering, have them call my retirement home, I'll tell em how great you were...if I can remember.
reread my comment on sweater
My little babies started peeing standing up yesterday! I think my mom showed them how while I was out!
Oh how cute. I hated when sammy learned that. It goes everywhere.
It is hard to see them grow up, but rewarding as well. It's like you are happy and sad at the same time. Jacob is 11 1/2 and if I double that he will be 23! It makes me sad to think of him not being a little boy, but I try to enjoy him at every age. It just seems like I'm ready for him to be that age when it comes, but thinking about him being older makes me feel not ready. Does that make sense?
Where was Noah born? That picture looks like Travis' picture because of the back ground. He was born at St. Anns.
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